pyams_content.reference package ⊞

class pyams_content.reference.ReferenceInfo[source]

Bases: persistent.Persistent, zope.container.contained.Contained

Reference record


Short name: Short name used in breadcrumbs


Title: Visible label used to display content

class pyams_content.reference.ReferenceTable[source]

Bases: zope.container.folder.Folder

References table


Proposed languages: List of languages available for this content


Short name: Short name used in breadcrumbs


Title: Visible label used to display content

class pyams_content.reference.ReferencesManager[source]

Bases: zope.container.folder.Folder

References tables container


Short name: Short name used in breadcrumbs


Title: Visible label used to display content


Handle new references manager


interface pyams_content.reference.interfaces.IReferenceInfo[source]

Extends: pyams_content.interfaces.IBaseContent

Base reference interface

Read Only:False
Default Value:None
interface pyams_content.reference.interfaces.IReferenceManager[source]

Extends: pyams_content.interfaces.IBaseContent, zope.container.interfaces.IContainer

References tables container

__setitem__(key, value)

Add the given object to the container under the given name.

Raises a TypeError if the key is not a unicode or ascii string.

Raises a ValueError if the key is empty, or if the key contains a character which is not allowed in an object name.

Raises a KeyError if the key violates a uniqueness constraint.

The container might choose to add a different object than the one passed to this method.

If the object doesn’t implement IContained, then one of two things must be done:

  1. If the object implements ILocation, then the IContained interface must be declared for the object.
  2. Otherwise, a ContainedProxy is created for the object and stored.

The object’s __parent__ and __name__ attributes are set to the container and the given name.

If the old parent was None, then an IObjectAddedEvent is generated, otherwise, an IObjectMovedEvent is generated. An IContainerModifiedEvent is generated for the container.

If the object replaces another object, then the old object is deleted before the new object is added, unless the container vetos the replacement by raising an exception.

If the object’s __parent__ and __name__ were already set to the container and the name, then no events are generated and no hooks. This allows advanced clients to take over event generation.

interface pyams_content.reference.interfaces.IReferenceTable[source]

Extends: pyams_content.interfaces.IBaseContent

Reference table interface

Read Only:False
Default Value:None
__setitem__(key, value)

Add the given object to the container under the given name.

Raises a TypeError if the key is not a unicode or ascii string.

Raises a ValueError if the key is empty, or if the key contains a character which is not allowed in an object name.

Raises a KeyError if the key violates a uniqueness constraint.

The container might choose to add a different object than the one passed to this method.

If the object doesn’t implement IContained, then one of two things must be done:

  1. If the object implements ILocation, then the IContained interface must be declared for the object.
  2. Otherwise, a ContainedProxy is created for the object and stored.

The object’s __parent__ and __name__ attributes are set to the container and the given name.

If the old parent was None, then an IObjectAddedEvent is generated, otherwise, an IObjectMovedEvent is generated. An IContainerModifiedEvent is generated for the container.

If the object replaces another object, then the old object is deleted before the new object is added, unless the container vetos the replacement by raising an exception.

If the object’s __parent__ and __name__ were already set to the container and the name, then no events are generated and no hooks. This allows advanced clients to take over event generation.