pyams_viewlet package ⊞

PyAMS_viewlet package

PyAMS viewlets management package


pyams_viewlet features include


PyAMS_viewlet.manager module

This module defines the viewlet manager, as weel as a “viewletmanager_config” decorator which can be used instead of ZCML to declare a viewlets manager.

class pyams_viewlet.manager.ConditionalViewletManager(context, request, view)[source]

Bases: pyams_viewlet.manager.WeightOrderedViewletManager

Conditional weight ordered viewlet managers


Sort out all viewlets which are explicitly not available

Viewlets shoud have a boolean “available” attribute to specify if they are available or not.

class pyams_viewlet.manager.TemplateBasedViewletManager[source]

Bases: object

Template based viewlet manager mixin class

template = <BoundViewTemplate of None>
class pyams_viewlet.manager.ViewletManager(context, request, view)[source]

Bases: object

The Viewlet Manager base

A generic manager class which can be instantiated.

A viewlet manager can be used as mapping and can get to a given viewlet by it’s name.


Filter out all content providers

Parameters:viewlets – list of viewlets, each element being a tuple of (name, viewlet) form

Default implementation is filtering out viewlets for which a permission which is not granted to the current principal is defined.

get(name, default=None)[source]

See zope.interface.common.mapping.IReadMapping

permission = None

See zope.contentprovider.interfaces.IContentProvider


Reset viewlet manager status


Sort the viewlets.

Parameters:viewlets – list of viewlets, each element being a tuple of (name, viewlet) form

Default implementation is sorting viewlets by name

template = None

See zope.contentprovider.interfaces.IContentProvider

viewlets = None
pyams_viewlet.manager.ViewletManagerFactory(name, interface, bases=(), cdict=None)[source]

Viewlet manager factory

class pyams_viewlet.manager.WeightOrderedViewletManager(context, request, view)[source]

Bases: pyams_viewlet.manager.ViewletManager

Weight ordered viewlet managers.

Viewlets with the same weight are sorted by label


Sort the viewlets.

Parameters:viewlets – list of viewlets, each element being a tuple of (name, viewlet) form

Default implementation is sorting viewlets by name

pyams_viewlet.manager.get_label(item, request=None)[source]

Get sort label of a given viewlet


Get sort weight of a given viewlet

pyams_viewlet.manager.get_weight_and_label(item, request=None)[source]

Get sort weight and label of a given viewlet

class pyams_viewlet.manager.viewletmanager_config(**settings)[source]

Bases: object

Class or interface decorator used to declare a viewlet manager

You can provide same arguments as in ‘viewletManager’ ZCML directive: :param name: name of the viewlet; may be unique for a given viewlet manager :param view: the view class or interface for which viewlet is displayed :param for_: the context class or interface for which viewlet is displayed :param permission: name of a permission required to display the viewlet :param layer: request interface required to display the viewlet :param class_: the class handling the viewlet manager; if the decorator is applied

on an interface and if this argument is not provided, the viewlet manager will be handled by a default ViewletManager class
Parameters:provides – an interface the viewlet manager provides; if the decorator is applied on an Interface, this will be the decorated interface; if the decorated is applied on a class and if this argument is not specified, the manager will provide IViewletManager interface.
venusian = <module 'venusian' from '/home/docs/checkouts/'>


PyAMS_viewlet.metaconfigure module

This module provides ZCML directives handlers.

pyams_viewlet.metaconfigure.ViewletDirective(_context, name, class_, context=<InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface>, layer=<InterfaceClass pyramid.interfaces.IRequest>, view=<InterfaceClass pyramid.interfaces.IView>, manager=<InterfaceClass pyams_viewlet.interfaces.IViewletManager>, attribute='render', permission=None, **kwargs)[source]

Viewlet ZCML directive

pyams_viewlet.metaconfigure.ViewletManagerDirective(_context, name, context=<InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface>, layer=<InterfaceClass pyramid.interfaces.IRequest>, view=<InterfaceClass pyramid.interfaces.IView>, provides=<InterfaceClass pyams_viewlet.interfaces.IViewletManager>, class_=None, permission=None)[source]

Viewlet manager ZCML directive


PyAMS_viewlet.metadirectives module

This template provides definition of ZCML directives.

interface pyams_viewlet.metadirectives.IContentProvider[source]

A directive to register a simple content provider.

Content providers are registered by their context (for attribute), the request (layer attribute) and the view (view attribute). They also must provide a name, so that they can be found using the TALES provider namespace. Other than that, content providers are just like any other views.


The view the content provider is registered for

The view can either be an interface or a class. By default the provider is registered for all views, the most common case.

Read Only:False
Default Value:<InterfaceClass zope.interface.Interface>

The name of the content provider

The name of the content provider is used in the TALES provider namespace to look up the content provider.

Read Only:False
Default Value:None
Allowed Type:str

The interface or class this view is for

Read Only:False
Default Value:None


The permission needed to use the view

Read Only:False
Default Value:None
Allowed Type:str


A class that provides attributes used by the view

Read Only:False
Default Value:None

The layer the view is in

A skin is composed of layers; layers are defined as interfaces, which are provided to the request when the skin is applied. It is common to put skin specific views in a layer named after the skin. If the ‘layer’ attribute is not supplied, it defaults to IRequest, which is the base interface of any request.

Read Only:False
Default Value:None

Value Type

Read Only:False
Default Value:None
interface pyams_viewlet.metadirectives.IViewletDirective[source]

Extends: pyams_viewlet.metadirectives.IContentProvider

A directive to register a new viewlet.

Viewlets are content providers that can only be displayed inside a viewlet manager. Thus they are additionally discriminated by the manager. Viewlets can rely on the specified viewlet manager interface to provide their content.

The viewlet directive also supports an undefined set of keyword arguments that are set as attributes on the viewlet after creation. Those attributes can then be used to implement sorting and filtering, for example.



The interface or class of the viewlet manager

Read Only:False
Default Value:<InterfaceClass pyams_viewlet.interfaces.IViewletManager>
interface pyams_viewlet.metadirectives.IViewletManagerDirective[source]

Extends: pyams_viewlet.metadirectives.IContentProvider

A directive to register a new viewlet manager.

Viewlet manager registrations are very similar to content provider registrations, since they are just a simple extension of content providers. However, viewlet managers commonly have a specific provided interface, which is used to discriminate the viewlets they are providing.


The interface this viewlet manager provides

A viewlet manager can provide an interface, which is used to lookup its contained viewlets.

Read Only:False
Default Value:<InterfaceClass pyams_viewlet.interfaces.IViewletManager>

Value Type

Read Only:False
Default Value:None


PyAMS_viewlet.provider module

This module provides the “provider:” TALES expression, which allows inclusion of any registered content provider into a Chameleon or ZPT template.

class pyams_viewlet.provider.ProviderExpr(expression, braces_required=False)[source]

Bases: pyams_utils.tales.ContextExprMixin, chameleon.tales.StringExpr

provider: TALES expression

transform = <Symbol value=<function render_content_provider> at 7ff6d6f6da20>
pyams_viewlet.provider.render_content_provider(econtext, name)[source]

TALES provider: content provider

This TALES expression is used to render a registered “content provider”, which is an adapter providing IContentProvider interface; adapter lookup is based on current context, request and view.

The requested provider can be called with our without arguments, like in ${structure:provider:my_provider} or ${structure:provider:my_provider(arg1, arg2)}. In the second form, arguments will be passed to the “update” method; arguments can be static (like strings or integers), or can be variables defined into current template context; other Python expressions including computations or functions calls are actually not supported, but dotted syntax is supported to access inner attributes of variables.

Provider arguments can be passed by position but can also be passed by name, using classic syntax as in ${structure:provider:my_provider(arg1, arg3=var3)}


PyAMS_viewlet.viewlet module

This module provides base content providers and viewlets classes, as well as a decorators which can be used instead of ZCML declarations to register content providers and viewlets.

class pyams_viewlet.viewlet.BaseContentProvider(context, request)[source]

Bases: pyams_viewlet.viewlet.EmptyContentProvider

Base template based content provider

render = <BoundViewTemplate of None>
resources = ()

See IContentProvider interface

class pyams_viewlet.viewlet.EmptyContentProvider(context, request)[source]

Bases: object

Empty content provider base class

permission = None

See IContentProvider interface


See IContentProvider interface

class pyams_viewlet.viewlet.EmptyViewlet(context, request, view, manager)[source]

Bases: object

Empty viewlet base class

permission = None

See IContentProvider interface


See IContentProvider interface

class pyams_viewlet.viewlet.ViewContentProvider(context, request, view)[source]

Bases: pyams_viewlet.viewlet.BaseContentProvider

Template based content provider

class pyams_viewlet.viewlet.Viewlet(context, request, view, manager)[source]

Bases: pyams_viewlet.viewlet.EmptyViewlet

Viewlet adapter class used in meta directive as a mixin class.

render = <BoundViewTemplate of None>
class pyams_viewlet.viewlet.contentprovider_config(**settings)[source]

Bases: object

Class decorator used to declare a content provider

You can provide same arguments as in ‘viewlet’ ZCML directive: @name = name of the viewlet; may be unique for a given viewlet manager @view = the view class or interface for which viewlet is displayed @for = the context class or interface for which viewlet is displayed @permission = name of a permission required to display the viewlet @layer = request interface required to display the viewlet

venusian = <module 'venusian' from '/home/docs/checkouts/'>
class pyams_viewlet.viewlet.viewlet_config(**settings)[source]

Bases: object

Class decorator used to declare a viewlet

You can provide same arguments as in ‘viewlet’ ZCML directive: @name = name of the viewlet; may be unique for a given viewlet manager @manager = manager class or interface holding the viewlet @view = the view class or interface for which viewlet is displayed @for = the context class or interface for which viewlet is displayed @permission = name of a permission required to display the viewlet @layer = request interface required to display the viewlet @weight = weight of the viewlet when using a weight ordered viewlet manager

venusian = <module 'venusian' from '/home/docs/checkouts/'>