Source code for pyams_media.ffbase

# Copyright (c) 2008-2015 Thierry Florac <tflorac AT>
# All Rights Reserved.
# This software is subject to the provisions of the Zope Public License,
# Version 2.1 (ZPL).  A copy of the ZPL should accompany this distribution.

# import standard library
import json
import logging
logger = logging.getLogger('PyAMS (media)')

import mimetypes
import re
import tempfile

from os.path import dirname, basename
from os import sep, remove
from subprocess import Popen, PIPE

# import interfaces
from pyams_file.interfaces import IFile

# import packages
from pyams_file.file import get_magic_content_type
from pyams_media.ffexception import FFException

__all__ = ['FFmpeg', 'FFVideoEffect', 'FFAudioEffect']

INPUT_BLOCK_SIZE = 1024 ** 2

[docs]class FFmpeg(object): """ FFmpeg Wrapper """ # thanks to pyxcoder for # the main idea re_mainline = re.compile("^\s*Input #(\d+?), (.*?), from \'(.*?)\':$") re_infoline = re.compile("^\s*Duration: (.*?), start: 0\.000000, bitrate: (\d+?) kb\/s$") re_videoline = re.compile("^\s*Stream #(\d+:\d+?)\(?([A-Za-z]*)\)?: Video: (.*?), (.*?), (.*?), (.*?)$") re_audioline = re.compile("^\s*Stream #(\d+:\d+?)\(?([A-Za-z]*)\)?: Audio: (.*?), (\d+?) Hz, (.*?), (.*?), (\d+?) kb\/s$") def __init__(self, cmd="avconv"): self.__ffmpeg__ = cmd def __exec__(self, *args, **kwargs): """Build and execute a command line""" def create_temp_file(arg): suffix = '.tmp' if IFile.providedBy(arg): # IFile object content_type = get_magic_content_type( if content_type: suffix = mimetypes.guess_extension(content_type) or suffix output = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(prefix='media_', suffix=suffix) output.write( elif hasattr(arg, 'read'): # file-like object arg.reset() content_type = get_magic_content_type( if content_type: suffix = mimetypes.guess_extension(content_type) or suffix output = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(prefix='media_', suffix=suffix) try: arg.reset() except: pass data = while data: output.write(data) data = else: # string or bytes content_type = get_magic_content_type(arg) if content_type: suffix = mimetypes.guess_extension(content_type) or suffix output = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(prefix='media_', suffix=suffix) output.write(arg) output.file.flush() return output cmdline = [self.__ffmpeg__] if self.__ffmpeg__ == 'avconv': cmdline.extend(['-y', '-loglevel', 'error']) allow_stdin = kwargs.get('allow_stdin', True) use_stdin = None for arg in args: if IFile.providedBy(arg): if len(args) == 2: # FFmpeg can't get media info from an input pipe # We have to write media content to temporary file output = create_temp_file(arg) cmdline.append( else: if allow_stdin: use_stdin = arg cmdline.append('-') else: output = create_temp_file(arg) cmdline.append( elif hasattr(arg, 'read'): # StringIO or any file like object if len(args) == 2: # FFmpeg can't get media info from an input pipe # We have to write media content to temporary file output = create_temp_file(arg) cmdline.append( else: if allow_stdin: use_stdin = arg cmdline.append('-') else: output = create_temp_file(arg) cmdline.append( else: cmdline.append(arg)"Running libAV command line: {0}".format(cmdline)) p = Popen(cmdline, stdin=PIPE, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE) if use_stdin is not None: if IFile.providedBy(use_stdin): stdout, stderr = p.communicate( else: use_stdin.reset() stdout, stderr = p.communicate( if b'partial file' in stderr: # the video file can't be converted through pipe... logger.debug("Can't use piped conversion. Switch to temporary file...") return self.__exec__(*args, allow_stdin=False) else: stdout, stderr = p.communicate() logger.debug(stderr) return stdout, stderr
[docs] def render(self, effectchain, output): """Create a new file by chaining audio/video effects""" inputs = [] cmds = [[]] outputs = [] # we want to operate on more objects that use the same file # source, So, we have to split the effect chain in various # intermediate jobs, then rebuild all for index, effect in enumerate(effectchain): if index == 1 and not effect in inputs: inputs.append(effect) cmds[len(cmds)-1].append(effect) else: outputs.append("%s%s%s-%s" % (dirname(output), sep, len(cmds), basename(output))) cmds.append([]) input = [] # prcessing intermediate outputs for index, output in enumerate(outputs): cmd = ["-y", ] cmd.extend(inputs[index].cmdline()) cmd.append(output) self.__exec__(*cmd) # procesing final output cmd = ["-y", ] for index, output in enumerate(outputs): doc = FFEffect(output) if index == 0 and inputs[index].offset(): doc.offset(inputs[index].offset()) cmd.extend(doc.cmdline()) cmd.append(output) self.__exec__(*cmd) # removing intermediate outputs for tmp in outputs: remove(tmp)
[docs] def info(self, input): """Retrieve file information parsing command output""" metadata = [] if IFile.providedBy(input) or isinstance(input, str) or hasattr(input, 'read'): input = [input, ] if self.__ffmpeg__ == 'avconv': for i in range(0, len(input) * 2, 2): input.insert(i, "-i") if self.__ffmpeg__ == 'avprobe': input.extend(['-show_format', '-show_streams', '-of', 'json']) probe = self.__exec__(*input)[0] # stdout metadata = json.loads(probe.decode()) else: lines = self.__exec__(*input)[1] # stderr for line in lines.split(b'\n'): if isinstance(line, bytes): try: line = line.decode() except UnicodeDecodeError: logger.debug("Unicode decode error: {0}".format(line)) continue if FFmpeg.re_mainline.match(line): clip, vtype, filename = FFmpeg.re_mainline.match(line).groups() metadata.append({"vtype": vtype, "filename": filename, "video": [], "audio": []}) elif FFmpeg.re_infoline.match(line): current = len(metadata) - 1 metadata[current]["duration"], metadata[current]["bitrate"] = FFmpeg.re_infoline.match(line).groups() elif FFmpeg.re_audioline.match(line): clip, lang, codec, freq, chan, freqbit, bitrate = FFmpeg.re_audioline.match(line).groups() audiostream = {"codec": codec, "lang": lang, "freq": freq, "chan": chan, "freqbit": freqbit, "bitrate": bitrate} metadata[len(metadata) - 1]["audio"].append(audiostream) elif FFmpeg.re_videoline.match(line): clip, lang, codec, pix_fmt, size, framerate = FFmpeg.re_videoline.match(line).groups() size = size.split(" ") videostream = {"codec": codec, "lang": lang, "pix_fmt": pix_fmt, "size": size, "framerate": framerate} metadata[len(metadata) - 1]["video"].append(videostream) return metadata
class FFEffect: """ effect for a specified input file each "set" method has an unset_* method to clear the effect of the former (e.g. crop() and unset_crop() ), and a general unset() method """ def __init__(self, inputfile, **args): self.__file__ = inputfile for opt in args.keys(): if opt not in ["b", "vframes", "r", "s", "aspect", "croptop", "cropbottom", "cropleft", "cropright", "padtop", "padbottom", "padleft", "padright", "padcolor", "vn", "bt", "maxrate", "minrate", "bufsize", "vcodec", "sameq", "pass", "newvideo", "pix_fmt", "sws_flag", "g", "intra", "vdt", "qscale", "qmin", "qmax", "qdiff", "qblur", "qcomp", "lmin", "lmax", "mblmin", "mblmax", "rc_init_cplx", "b_qfactor", "i_qfactor", "b_qoffset", "i_qoffset", "rc_eq", "rc_override", "me_method", "dct_algo", "idct_algo", "er", "ec", "bf", "mbd", "4mv", "part", "bug", "strict", "aic", "umv", "deinterlace", "ilme", "psnr", "vhook", "top", "dc", "vtag", "vbsf", "aframes", "ar", "ab", "ac", "an", "acodec", "newaudio", "alang", "t", "itsoffset", "ss", "dframes"]: raise FFException("Error parsing option: %s" % opt) self.__effects__ = args self.__default__ = self.__effects__.copy() def cmdline(self): """ return a list of arguments """ cmd = ["-i", self.__file__] for opt, value in self.__effects__.items(): cmd.append("-%s" % opt) if value is not True: cmd.append("%s" % value) return cmd def get_output(self, format=None, target='-'): if (format is None) and hasattr(self, '__metadata__'): format = self.__metadata__.get('vtype') cmdline = self.cmdline() + ['-f', format, target] stdout, stderr = FFmpeg().__exec__(*cmdline) return {'output': stdout, 'errors': stderr, 'cmdline': ' '.join(map(str, cmdline))} def restore(self): """ restore initial settings """ self.__effects__ = self.__default__.copy() def unset(self): """ clear settings """ self.__effects__ = {} def duration(self, t=None): """ restrict transcode sequence to duration specified """ if t: self.__effects__["t"] = float(t) return self.__effects__.get("t") def unset_duration(self): del self.__effects__["duration"] def seek(self, ss=None): """ seek to time position in seconds """ if ss: self.__effects__["ss"] = float(ss) return self.__effects__.get("ss") def unset_seek(self): del self.__effects__["ss"] def offset(self, itsoffset=None): """ Set the input time offset in seconds """ if itsoffset: self.__effects__["itsoffset"] = itsoffset return self.__effects__.get("itsoffset") def unset_offset(self): del self.__effects__["itsoffset"] def dframes(self, dframes=None): """ number of data frames to record """ if dframes: self.__effects__["dframes"] = dframes return self.__effects__.get("dframes") def unset_dframes(self): del self.__effects__["dframes"]
[docs]class FFVideoEffect(FFEffect): """ video effect """ def __init__(self, inputfile=None, **args): FFEffect.__init__(self, inputfile, **args)
[docs] def bitrate(self, b=None): """ set video bitrate """ if b: self.__effects__["b:v"] = "%sk" % int(b) return self.__effects__.get("b:v")
[docs] def unset_bitrate(self): del self.__effects__["b:v"]
[docs] def vframes(self, vframes=None): """ set number of video frames to record """ if vframes: self.__effects__["vframes"] = int(vframes) return self.__effects__.get("vframes")
[docs] def unset_vframes(self): del self.__effects__["vframes"]
[docs] def rate(self, r=None): """ set frame rate """ if r: self.__effects__["r"] = int(r) return self.__effects__.get("r")
[docs] def unset_rate(self): del self.__effects__["r"]
[docs] def size(self, s=None): """ set frame size """ if s in ["sqcif", "qcif", "cif", "4cif", "qqvga", "qvga", "vga", "svga", "xga", "uxga", "qxga", "sxga", "qsxga", "hsxga", "wvga", "wxga", "wsxga", "wuxga", "wqxga", "wqsxga", "wquxga", "whsxga", "whuxga", "cga", "ega", "hd480", "hd720", "hd1080"]: self.__effects__["s"] = s elif s: wh = s.split("x") if len(wh) == 2 and int(wh[0]) and int(wh[1]): self.__effects__["s"] = s else: raise FFException("Error parsing option: size") return self.__effects__.get("s")
[docs] def unset_size(self): del self.__effects__["s"]
[docs] def aspect(self, aspect=None): """ set aspect ratio """ if aspect: self.__effects__["aspect"] = aspect return self.__effects__.get("aspect")
[docs] def unset_aspect(self): del self.__effects__["aspect"]
[docs] def crop(self, top=0, bottom=0, left=0, right=0): """ set the crop size """ if top % 2: top = top - 1 if bottom % 2: bottom = bottom - 1 if left % 2: left = left - 1 if right % 2: right = right - 1 if top: self.__effects__["croptop"] = top if bottom: self.__effects__["cropbottom"] = bottom if left: self.__effects__["cropleft"] = left if right: self.__effects__["cropright"] = right return self.__effects__.get("croptop"), self.__effects__.get("cropbottom"), self.__effects__.get("cropleft"), self.__effects__.get("cropright")
[docs] def unset_crop(self): del self.__effects__["croptop"] del self.__effects__["cropbottom"] del self.__effects__["cropleft"] del self.__effects__["cropright"]
[docs] def pad(self, top=0, bottom=0, left=0, right=0, color="000000"): """ set the pad band size and color as hex value """ if top: self.__effects__["padtop"] = top if bottom: self.__effects__["padbottom"] = bottom if left: self.__effects__["padleft"] = left if right: self.__effects__["padright"] = right if color: self.__effects__["padcolor"] = color return self.__effects__.get("padtop"), self.__effects__.get("padbottom"), self.__effects__.get("padleft"), self.__effects__.get("padright"), self.__effects__.get("padcolor")
[docs] def unset_pad(self): del self.__effects__["padtop"] del self.__effects__["padbottom"] del self.__effects__["padleft"] del self.__effects__["padright"]
[docs] def vn(self): """ disable video recording """ self.__effects__["vn"] = True
[docs] def unset_vn(self): del self.__effects__["vn"]
[docs] def bitratetolerance(self, bt=None): """ set bitrate tolerance """ if bt: self.__effects__["bt"] = "%sk" % int(bt) return self.__effects__.get("bt")
[docs] def unset_bitratetolerance(self): del self.__effects__["bt"]
[docs] def bitraterange(self, minrate=None, maxrate=None): """ set min/max bitrate (bit/s) """ if minrate or maxrate and not self.__effects__["bufsize"]: self.__effects__["bufsize"] = 4096 if minrate: self.__effects__["minrate"] = minrate if maxrate: self.__effects__["maxrate"] = maxrate return self.__effects__.get("minrate"), self.__effects__.get("maxrate")
[docs] def unset_bitraterange(self): del self.__effects__["maxrate"] del self.__effects__["minrate"]
[docs] def bufsize(self, bufsize=4096): """ set buffer size (bits) """ self.__effects__["bufsize"] = int(bufsize) return self.__effects__["bufsize"]
[docs] def unset_bufsize(self): del self.__effects__["bufsize"]
[docs] def vcodec(self, vcodec="copy"): """ set video codec """ self.__effects__["vcodec"] = vcodec return self.__effects__["vcodec"]
[docs] def unset_vcodec(self): del self.__effects__["vcodec"]
[docs] def sameq(self): """ use same video quality as source """ self.__effects__["sameq"] = True
[docs] def unset_sameq(self): del self.__effects__["sameq"]
[docs] def passenc(self, p=1): """ select pass number (1 or 2)""" self.__effects__["pass"] = (int(p) % 3 + 1) % 2 + 1 #!!! return self.__effects__["pass"]
[docs] def unset_passenc(self): del self.__effects__["pass"]
[docs] def pixelformat(self, p=None): """ set pixelformat """ if p: self.__effects__["pix_fmt"] = p return self.__effects__.get("pix_fmt")
[docs] def unset_pixelformat(self): del self.__effects__["pix_fmt"]
#TODO: sws_flag
[docs] def picturesize(self, gop=None): """ set of group pictures size """ if gop: self.__effects__["gop"] = int(gop) return self.__effects__.get("gop")
[docs] def unset_picturesize(self): del self.__effects__["gop"]
[docs] def intra(self): """ use only intra frames """ self.__effects__["intra"] = True
[docs] def unset_intra(self): del self.__effects__["intra"]
[docs] def vdthreshold(self, vdt=None): """ discard threshold """ if vdt: self.__effects__["vdt"] = int(vdt) return self.__effects__.get("vdt")
[docs] def unset_vdthreshold(self): del self.__effects__["vdt"]
[docs] def quantizerscale(self, qscale=None): """ Fixed quantizer scale """ if qscale: self.__effects__["qscale"] = int(qscale) return self.__effects__.get("qscale")
[docs] def unset_quantizerscale(self): del self.__effects__["qscale"]
[docs] def quantizerrange(self, qmin=None, qmax=None, qdiff=None): """ define min/max quantizer scale """ if qdiff: self.__effects__["qdiff"] = int(qdiff) else: if qmin: self.__effects__["qmin"] = int(qmin) if qmax: self.__effects__["qmax"] = int(qmax) return self.__effects__.get("qmin"), self.__effects__.get("qmax"), self.__effects__.get("qdiff"),
[docs] def unset_quantizerrange(self): del self.__effects__["qdiff"]
[docs] def quantizerblur(self, qblur=None): """ video quantizer scale blur """ if qblur: self.__effects__["qblur"] = float(qblur) return self.__effects__.get("qblur")
[docs] def unset_quantizerblur(self): del self.__effects__["qblur"]
[docs] def quantizercompression(self, qcomp=0.5): """ video quantizer scale compression """ self.__effects__["qcomp"] = float(qcomp) return self.__effects__["qcomp"]
[docs] def unset_quantizercompression(self): del self.__effects__["qcomp"]
[docs] def lagrangefactor(self, lmin=None, lmax=None): """ min/max lagrange factor """ if lmin: self.__effects__["lmin"] = int(lmin) if lmax: self.__effects__["lmax"] = int(lmax) return self.__effects__.get("lmin"), self.__effects__.get("lmax")
[docs] def unset_lagrangefactor(self): del self.__effects__["lmin"] del self.__effects__["lmax"]
[docs] def macroblock(self, mblmin=None, mblmax=None): """ min/max macroblock scale """ if mblmin: self.__effects__["mblmin"] = int(mblmin) if mblmax: self.__effects__["mblmax"] = int(mblmax) return self.__effects__.get("mblmin"), self.__effects__.get("mblmax")
[docs] def unset_macroblock(self): del self.__effects__["mblmin"] del self.__effects__["mblmax"]
#TODO: read man pages !
[docs]class FFAudioEffect(FFEffect): """ Audio effect """ def __init__(self, inputfile, **args): FFEffect.__init__(self, inputfile, **args)
[docs] def aframes(self, aframes=None): """ set number of audio frames to record """ if aframes: self.__effects__["aframes"] = int(aframes) return self.__effects__.get("aframes")
[docs] def unset_aframes(self): del self.__effects__["aframes"]
[docs] def audiosampling(self, ar=44100): """ set audio sampling frequency (Hz)""" self.__effects__["ar"] = int(ar) return self.__effects__["ar"]
[docs] def unset_audiosampling(self): del self.__effects__["ar"]
[docs] def audiobitrate(self, ab=64): """ set audio bitrate (kbit/s)""" self.__effects__["b:a"] = "%sk" % int(ab) return self.__effects__["b:a"]
[docs] def unset_audiobitrate(self): del self.__effects__["b:a"]
[docs] def audiochannels(self, ac=1): """ set number of audio channels """ self.__effects__["ac"] = int(ac) return self.__effects__["ac"]
[docs] def unset_audiochannels(self): del self.__effects__["ac"]
[docs] def audiorecording(self): """ disable audio recording """ self.__effects__["an"] = True
[docs] def unset_audiorecording(self): del self.__effects__["an"]
[docs] def acodec(self, acodec="copy"): """ select audio codec """ self.__effects__["acodec"] = acodec return self.__effects__["acodec"]
[docs] def unset_acodec(self): del self.__effects__["acodec"]
[docs] def newaudio(self): """ add new audio track """ self.__effects__["newaudio"] = True
[docs] def unset_newaudio(self): del self.__effects__["newaudio"]